

Agenda / Information

Contribution €10,00


Table tennis

Table tennis club
Did you use to play table tennis in the past, would you like to play a match from time to time, or are you looking for an informal and accessible sport, then sign up for our table tennis club!

Annual Activities
As a member of the table tennis club you can participate in the following activities:

- Annual Caveo NK corporate table tennis tournament
- Internal competition in cooperation with JongDNB
- International tournament with other central banks
- DNB tabletennis tournament

Play Time
Weekly table tennis hour on our 2 tables at the Sport facility on the 3rd floor at Frederiksplein.

If you have any questions, please contact one of the board members:
Daniël Choi iohc.h.c.[antispam].@dnb.nl
Kai van Dijk kjid.nav.k.[antispam].@dnb.nl

Telephone number

020 524 27 93



09:00 - 14.00 hr

Closed on Wednesdays